Like to Learn? Like to Play!
Chicken on a Stick and friends like to have a hoot while learning fun and useful stuff. You can explore new topics, take a quiz, or just sit back and be entertained by the serious silliness of it all.
Even if you can't relate to Chicken on a Stick's weird hang-ups, hopefully you can relate to the passion for learning and teaching that emanates from the heart of this ceramic-American bird.
You can explore all sorts of interesting fields, from Art to Mythology, from History to Medicine and beyond. Not only will you learn random facts, you will also learn about the amazing TAPIR, "farmer of the rainforest". After learning about tapirs, you will never be the same..
Let's Look Around
Exotic Locales
Visit far-off places and far-off times on the wide-ranging wings that only a virtual bird can provide. A virtual owl who, for some strange reason, thinks it is a chicken.
Say you want to head off to ancient Greece? You can. Here is a screen shot from the Greek Goddess Hera post, where you can learn a little about this complex female character who is both super-responsible AND periodically changes men into weasels!
Meet Greek Goddess Hera
Here is a Greek goddess who really knows how to run the show, or at least she knows how to let off steam when people bug her. Meet the Greek goddess, Hera.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to all! I am thankful for your friendship and continued support of chicken-owl issues! Love, ~ CoaS
Meet Chicken on a Stick!
Chicken on a Stick is a friendly owl statuette who has some identity issues, but who really wants to edutain the world with zany presentations and puzzles. Can you blame Chicken on a Stick? Here’s CoaS in a little promotional video. If you like CoaS consider following the CoaS Facebook page or checking out the musings that pour forth from the searching beak of this earnest, avian educator. Now for some silly goofiness before CoaS gets on to teaching you astronomy, linguistics and cardiac anesthesiology.
Where are the Tapirs?
That is the question. Here is the answer. Learn more at the Tapir Town Scratch Gallery.