
Travel the World with Chicken on a Stick!

Travel the World with Chicken on a Stick!

I’ve been around this great, wide world, I’ve hooted from Hibernia to Honduras. When I was but a wee chick I would lose myself in maps of the world. Now I can fly where I like, and I share some of my discoveries with you.  Enjoy. External links open a new tab or browser window.

GeoCulture Curriculum: This is a six month introductory world geography curriculum designed for a weekly lunch club and suitable for all ages who can read and who are interested in the world.

Postcrossing: Postcrossing is an amazing hobby in which you send and receive postcards from random people all over the world. If you can’t fly like I can, this is a pretty good substitute for world travel. It does cost postcards and stamps though. GeoClub is a lunch club I ran for several years at an elementary school. Check out all the cool postcards we received!


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